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Thegman's Azumanga Daioh Tv Review

Azumanga Daioh

Rated: 8

While somewhat lacking a true concept, Azumanga Diaoh is one of the few series that isn't overly hurt by not having one. The humour, while sometimes over the top and repetitive, is almost always guaranteed to make you crack a smile or have a good laugh. The characters are endearing without being drama magnets or super powered dynamos. This is a show that could almost serve as a vacation from other anime, something to pick up after you just got through the more heavy offerings like Eva or the like.

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Thegman's Dragon Ball Tv Review

Dragon Ball

Rated: 8

Overall, the Dragon Ball series is the first in a line of wildly successful series of anime that took the world by storm. Unfortunately it is often forgotten in favour of the more heavily saturated sequel, Dragon Ball Z, or shrugged off as too campy to be enjoyed by anyone over the age of 11. This simply isn't true, and doesn't do the series that launched the phenomenon justice. While it may be overly cute at times, and never horribly complex or intriguing, it is throughly enjoyable even today, 20 years after the original series started it's run on networks over in Japan.

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Thegman's Cowboy Bebop Tv Review

Cowboy Bebop

Rated: 10

A lot of people hold Cowboy Bebop in a high regard and after first experiancing the series for myself I can see why they hold it the way they do. To say nothing more, it is a masterpiece, a genre defining series that has a right to be held in such high confidence. Not many series can do even one of the elements as well as Cowby Bebop does, and even fewer can actually get every single solitary aspect of themselves to such a high degree of excellence. Everything in this anime falls into place with such perfection that makes it all organic and real and following to the extent that they do.

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Thegman's Devil May Cry Tv Review

Devil May Cry

Rated: 9

Now this is where DMC3: SE really earns its marks. For being a budget title there's a lot of new content to explore here, and it shows. Most notably of course is the option to play as Vergil, and while he doesn't have his own storyline he does play quite a bit differently from Dante, serving not just as some sort of colour swap but a true stand alone character capable of his own kind of stylish devastation. Other new features include the original Japanese continue (which has infinite continues and gold orbs which revive you on the spot) system for a little more help than the U.S. system (which uses yellow orbs and restarts from checkpoints).

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Thegman's Maburaho Tv Review

Rated: 9

Overall, the presentation of Maburaho is an extremely well put together, solid work that is a great addition to the harem anime genre. From the artwork, to the music, to the overall plot, everything comes together in a way that few animes can bring it to bare. Also the fact that the characters grow on you, despite being a little on the stereotypical side, is a great testament to the enjoyability of the series. By the end most everyone has a favourite girl, whether it be the spunky Yuuna, the voluptous and over the top Kuriko, the quiet and conserved Rin, or the girl next door Yamase who shows up from time to time. Also, Kazuki uses the average guy who's quietly amazing design very well.

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